Hi, I’m Mariko.

Thank you for being here.

My story

In my 20’s I had very low self-esteem and little self-worth. This deep void within myself led me to begin a crazed, chaotic and ultimately toxic cycle of seeking validation through back-to-back romantic relationships with emotionally unavailable partners.

By the end of my 20’s this pattern led me into a brief but severely abusive relationship. It left me broken at rock bottom with  debilitating anxiety and signs of PTSD. I could no longer work or continue with my day to day. I had no choice but to stop and take some time out.

With the last bit of energy I could muster, I left my job in London, put all my things into storage and sought refuge for a period of four months at my best friend’s apartment half way around the world. I had no idea just how much this trip would change my life. It was the beginning of my healing journey, a profoundly spiritual and introspective process towards self-discovery. It was by no means easy, I had many dark nights of the soul as I faced my shadows but something happened for the first time in my life: I truly connected with myself on a deeper level, beyond my appearances, my ego and my story. I was having a spiritual awakening and with it came a visceral knowing that this physical reality is not all there is and physical death is not the end.

Over that year, the transformation I experienced in myself from being a nervous wreck with such little self-awareness and self-worth, to someone whose company I enjoyed was so incredible and unexpected that I felt called to help those around me with the insights and practical tools I used to help myself. 

I trained in the therapies that worked so well for my own healing. I became an EFT practitioner trained by Master EFT practitioner and Peter Donn and mindset coach and created MINDSETTING in 2017- my private practice through which I’ve had the honour of helping hundreds of clients heal past pain, gain self-worth and create lasting changes in their lives. 

My discovery of regression

Over the following years, my own healing journey continued and two things happened that gave rise to my belief in past lives and reincarnation. Firstly, I began to sense that some of my issues may have stemmed from another life. I would have dreams or visions of scenes from another time and place related to certain challenges I was struggling with. I explored these ‘other lives’ in a few powerful EFT sessions. The sessions allowed me to heal key traumatic memories from these past lives and it was incredibly cathartic for me. After the sessions I no longer had these life-long issues, they were resolved.

Secondly there were a couple of occasions in my own sessions with clients where we would be exploring the origin or their problem and they would spontaneously recount scenes of another life. One such example was a client who had a fear of swimming who began to see visions of herself as a woman drowned at sea. Upon helping my clients process these past life traumas, they would experience a resolution in their present life. Soon after, I read the books ‘Many Lives Many Masters’ by Dr.Brian Weiss and ‘Journey of Souls’ by Dr. Michael Newton and I was hooked. There was something so innately familiar about what was written in them and they just rang true for me.

“I believe the healing journey is inherently a spiritual one.”

My training

I then trained to become a Regression Therapist certified by renowned Psychotherapist, author and founder of the Spiritual Regression Training Academy, Andy Tomlinson. This was a profoundly healing journey in itself that allowed me to explore and heal from many of my own past life issues that were rippling into my current life. I saw just how effective this form of therapy is. In a single session for example, I was able to help:

  • a client who had daily, debilitating shoulder pain that no doctor, osteopath or chiropractor could help with, resolve it fully. The pain originated in a past life in which she was tortured, injuring her shoulder.

  • a client who had a life long fear of swimming in open water feel excited to swim. The phobia stemmed from a past life drowning at sea.

I loved adding Regression Therapy to my existing practice not only because of how fast it works to help resolve physical, psychological and spiritual issues but of how it helps clients understand their true nature as an eternal soul. I also love the power this form of therapy holds in helping clients connect to their higher self / soul to receive insights not from me, the therapist but directly from themselves.

In 2023 I added Between Lives Spiritual Regression to my repertoire. In my view this is one of the most profound and transformational experiences one can experience.

Why I’m the perfect guide for you

Being highly sensitive and empathic, I’m an expert on emotions, mindset and the after-effects of trauma. I care deeply about what you are going through. I’m living proof that you can overcome severe anxiety, depression, low confidence and utter hopelessness. I know the steps to take to rebuild oneself, find purpose and thrive.

I'm an experienced trauma therapist and can guide you to process and integrate past trauma safely so you can heal once and for all. Somatic techniques I use make this process incredibly efficient and gentle so you have nothing to fear.

I am a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist, Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner and mindset coach. With many tools in my toolkit I am able to help you transform deeper and faster. I use elements of inner child work, Gestalt parts work, Body therapy (based on Roger Woolger’s Deep Memory Process), psychodrama, mindset coaching and energy healing in my client-centred practice. I also regularly teach students how to transform their relationships and their lives in my unique group courses .

I get results. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients who have transformed their lives and began their own journey connected to Spirit. They’ve healed from past pain, freed themselves from heavy emotional baggage and began the journey to truly discovering and loving themselves.